
Intuition and Decisions

Workplaces are shifting from task-oriented environments to requiring more complex problem-solving. The way that business leaders made decisions in the past is no longer a guide to making future decisions; adopting a multifaceted approach that goes beyond traditional reasoning alone is fast becoming a crucial business practice. Such complexity allows for creativity and a focus on the role of human intuition in the workplace. No doubt, data analysis and past results remain crucial to drive business decisions. Yet following gut instinct — even with all of its inherent risks — has pushed many an organization to success. Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates was quoted as saying that one often has to rely on intuition. Albert Einstein also was a believer: “The only real valuable thing is intuition,” he once said……

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Does intuition equal emotional intelligence?

There was an interesting article by Sarina Russo in the Weekend Australian (25/1/14) Extra sense that gives women an edge where she argues that emotional intelligence is equal to intuition. Sarina defines emotional intelligence as the capacity to recognise an opportunity and act on your gut feeling, even when you’re inundated with facts, figures and adverse advice. She also argues that while men possess emotional intelligence, women use it much more effectively. Weiterlesen

Intuition: Warum zu viel Denken Ihrer Karriere schadet

Sie verfügen über eine gute Auffassungsgabe, können Zusammenhänge schnell erkennen, konzeptionell und strategisch arbeiten? Wunderbar, diese Fähigkeiten sind in den meisten anspruchsvollen Jobs absolut notwendig und leisten Ihnen dort wahrscheinlich hervorragende Dienste. Für Ihre Karriere sind diese Eigenschaften jedoch nicht unbedingt gut. Sie können Ihnen im Gegenteil sogar schaden und so manche Chance verbauen. Was im ersten Augenblick paradox klingt, kann in der Praxis ein echtes Problem sein. Strategisches Denken und die Fähigkeit, Probleme umfassend zu analysieren, sind zwar für die konkrete Arbeit von Vorteil. Sie verleiten jedoch auch dazu, sich zu viele Gedanken über die eigene Karriere und Zukunftsaussichten zu machen. Vor allem bei möglichen Veränderungen und anstehenden Entscheidungen kann Ihnen Ihre sonst so wichtige Denkweise in die Quere kommen. Hier fahren Sie mit Intuition oft besser. …..

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The Role of Intuition in a World of Big Data

In the fairly recent past, I worked as a part of the leadership team at a company that was built and run almost entirely on the intuition and instincts of a small group of founders. There was plenty of raw data and a good deal of relevant information around too, but when it came to the critical decisions around strategy, key customer relationships and managing enterprise risk, the information generally took second place to the senior leadership’s gut feelings. Weiterlesen

Intuition Is Data

Every creative and entrepreneurial venture starts with an idea. If you’re honest, the idea is almost always more of a question. Or many questions.

In order to take action, you’ve got to make guesses about the answers. We call those assumptions. Some of your assumptions will be spot on, others will be wildly off. The most important thing you can do in the early days is not try to succeed as fast as possible, but try to answer the most important questions as fast as possible. To replace assumptions with data. The faster you can make that transition and start to build around data over delusion, the better off you’ll be. And the more likely your success becomes. Weiterlesen

Essen mit Herz – „Intuitives Essen“ geht mit einer guten Wahrnehmung und Beachtung der eigenen Körpersignale einher

Die Weihnachtsfeiertage sind vorbei und das neue Jahr hat begonnen. Tina hat nach der Festtagsschlemmerei und dem Silvesterfondue ein schlechtes Gewissen wegen ihrer zugenommenen Kilos. Ihrer Cousine geht es hingegen nicht so. Diese erzählt freudig: „Ich höre eben auf mein Bauchgefühl beim Essen“. Tina ist frustriert – ihr „Bauchgefühl“ wurde wohl von der schönen Atmosphäre und dem Anreiz des besonderen Essens überrollt. Tatsächlich unterscheiden sich Menschen darin, inwiefern sie beim Essen auf ihren Körper hören. Weiterlesen

Intuition is becoming more valuable to succeed

„Often you have to rely on intuition.“ — Bill Gates

We are all programmed to succeed. All of us have a special power within us called our intuition. It is an alternative source of knowledge, level of awareness, or as some refer to it, an inner voice. We all possess this power to varying degrees, as well as the capacity to develop it further. Intuition can be defined as a quick and ready insight. This insight can guide us, warn us of danger, and/or connect us to our creativity. The most successful people are often very intuitive. Consciously or unconsciously, they follow their gut feelings, which put them in the flow (a very alive, productive, and desirable state). Many have achieved remarkable success in the fields of science, business and entrepreneurship, often amassing great fortune and fame due to their abilities to make important decisions by following „hunches,“ or intuitive „gut feelings.“  Great thinkers, like Albert Einstein, have emphasized the importance of intuition and its impact on their personal and professional lives. They defined it as „a superior knowledge,“ and as being an essential and indispensable tool for achieving success………

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How To Listen To Your Instincts (Your Brain Will Thank You)

Sure, we’d all love to trust our instincts—if only we could hear them. Martha Beck reveals how to quiet what you’re thinking long enough to figure out what you actually feel.
„Listen to your intuition,“ they say. „Trust your gut.“ But what if you’re so paranoid that you fret about a nuclear attack on rural Wyoming, or so optimistic that you watch Bambi over and over, certain that this time his mom will survive? What can you do to ensure that your true feelings aren’t being distorted? The problem is that none of the folksy phrases telling us to trust our instincts explain what an „instinctive hunch“ looks like. On top of this, we spend our whole lives being taught to override our intuition. We’re taught to think things through, really think about it, give it some thought. News flash: Instincts aren’t thoughts. They’re grounded in feelings. And learning how to see through a thought-based reaction to the instinct beneath it is a powerful way to steer yourself toward a happy, healthy life……

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10 Steps to Awaken Your Intuition

Intuition.  We’ve all felt its effects at one point or another.  That nagging feeling that we should be doing something.  Or that the right answer lies in a particular direction.  Or that something is going to happen.  The voice in your head that tells you what to do or warns you of danger. By definition, intuition is a sense or feeling that cannot readily be explained away by conscious logical or rational thought.  It is an instinctive knowledge that triggers a particular response from you.   People who place great value on common sense and rationality are afraid of it.  Others swear by it.  But where does it come from?  And what if you were able to tune into it more frequently?  What if you were able to harness its power….

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How to Have Intuitive Success

When you are seeking more than brains, books and business know-how, tune into your intuition to make the best decisions. Intuition is the answer you get from an instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning. You may have heard people refer to it as a „gut instinct.“ However, your intuition is the all-knowing compass that can assist you in achieving success at an accelerated rate in every area of your life. To have intuitive success, you have to begin to listen to your inner voice and trust it enough to act on it. Your intuitive instinct can come to you in many ways. Here are a few ways to recognize and maximize on your instincts….

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