
Is it Your Intuition or Are You “Into Wishing?

I’ve been speaking and writing about intuition for over twenty-five years. I’m passionate about the topic because I know it’s a valuable inner wisdom we possess and most of us under utilize it. One of the questions I’m asked most frequently is “How do I know it’s my intuition and not fear (ego, wishful thinking, habit of thought)?” I wish I had a simple answer. Wouldn’t it be great if the voice of your fear sounded like Darth Vader and the voice of intuition sounded like Alicia Keys?! That would be too easy! Intuition Has Many “Voices.” Intuition is quick and ready insight. It’s our inner compass. When we pay attention to it, it moves us towards success and happiness and away from danger. There are many ways to receive its wisdom. It may come as the proverbial “still, quiet, inner voice.” It may also communicate insight through a dream, feelings, a knowing or a gut feeling.  Think back to a decision you’ve made in the past. How did your intuition communicate its message?…..

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Büroalltag: Intuition ist besser als ihr Ruf

In unübersichtlichen Situationen sind Gruppenentscheidungen den meisten Einzelentscheidungen überlegen. Daher setzen einige Firmen bereits gezielt das Instrument der kollegialen Beratung ein, in der Gruppen gemeinsam Lösungen entwickeln. Die wenigsten Organisationen nutzen jedoch die unbewusste Intelligenz ihrer Mitarbeiter: die Intuition. Intuition ist jene Form des unbewussten Wissens, die ganz ohne gezieltes Nachdenken auskommt – und sich trotzdem Ausdruck im Fühlen und Tun verschafft, wenn sie denn ernst genommen wird…..

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Insights, Innovation and Intuition

I’ve written here many times about the conflict that many innovators often face when called on to make definitive decisions about customer needs and the best ideas to pursue as new products and services.  We’ve noted that innovation requires – no demands – people who are comfortable operating in an ambiguous stew of information, research, trends, insights and customer needs.  Few of these data points are developed with any statistical rigor, yet together they must provide a direction for the team to follow. For people who are more familiar with stark differences and quantitative answers, this sea of ambiguity is very difficult to confront.  Faced with hazy information, inferences, wants and needs, they are quick to try to identify the „best“ and most certain data in the mix, rather than find the most important trends or currents that all the research suggests.  We’ve managed over the last 30 years to train people to be very decisive when the data are clear, and to be very hesitant when the data aren’t clear or definitive.  The most common refrain is: „how can you be certain“?  In innovation, the fact is that you often can’t.  If the data were evident and certain, the data would be evident and certain to everyone, and a solution wouldn’t be radical or disruptive because everyone would be building it…..

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The Value of Intuition

Anyone with any kind of spiritual sensibility cannot fail to be aware that a profound change is underway, very, very slowly, in the attitude [re:spirituality and intuition] that an increasing number of people have to one another and to our earthly environment. We have to look back to the 1960s and 1970s for the start of the cultural revolution. Before this, the world was recovering from the second of two world wars in half a century; few people expressed any interest in the welfare of the environment or knew anything much about the mystical faiths of the east. This change in attitude has formed part of the general acknowledgement that the spiritual domain is of profound importance in our everyday lives. However, over the past century, scientists have come to realize that this is only part of the truth. It is true that the brain interprets the input of our five senses – an operation that we can still regard as a function of the rational or conscious mind. But, as Sigmund Freud realized, humankind also possesses an unconscious mind that holds the data we accumulate about the world until we need to use it and also gives expression to our emotions…….

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How to Awaken Your Intuition

The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know why or how. Albert Einstein

We’ve all heard it so many times – ‘Just listen to your inner voice’, or ‘Just follow your intuition’, haven’t we? But in a world, where rational thinking is considered to be the ‘normal’ thing to do, the process of learning how to follow your intuition may be a confusing and even painful one. With so many decisions to make on a daily basis, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and feel stuck when in need of inspiration. So, here is a ‘rational’ step by step process that is going to help you cultivate your intuition and start using it on a daily basis. Contained within your inner guidance are all the answers, and here is a guide on how to find them.…..

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How to Know When to Trust Your Gut

Entrepreneurs live a life of constant decision making. Is that new person you just met a good fit with the company? Should you enter into a cooperative relationship with another firm? Is the financing deal in the works likely to be completed? These judgments are complex — they involve a large number of intersecting factors and those factors change over time. Psychologists‘ research suggests that there are two modes of thought people use to make complex choices. The first involves looking carefully at the features of a set of options and making decisions in a reasoned manner. The other way is more intuitive and involves responding to the feelings that come up during the process of making choices, or following your gut. Often, we feel guilty about choosing from the gut, because we feel like our choices ought to be based on facts. It is valuable to know when you should go with your gut and when you should avoid it, follow these steps to reach better decisions……

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Intuitive intelligence in leadership

Can you think of an occasion where you’ve had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right about a significant business issue but didn’t listen to your intuition and later regretted it? Do you often doubt your intuition in favour of hard evidence to support your business decision? If so, you may be underutilising one of the most powerful leadership tools: your intuitive intelligence. We use our instinct and intuition in many facets of our lives. It may be one thing to do so in your personal life – but perhaps quite another to use it at work? Many people may feel that intuition has little or no place in business, that decisions should be based on empirical evidence rather than on trusting your gut feeling. But there is increasing evidence that intuition is more than merely a feeling. Many scientists now believe that it is, in fact, the result of our brains piecing together information and experiences to come to different, and less obvious solutions and conclusions. Publications, such as ‘Intelligent Memory: Improve the Memory That Makes You Smarter’, by neuroscientist Barry Gordon, show that decision-making and intuition are inextricably linked…..

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Harnessing Your Intuition – How to Hear That ‚Inner Still Small Voice‘

In order to access our inner wisdom or intuition, it is important to understand that we all have inner senses or intuitive capabilities. However, we may each experience our intuition in different ways. Some will tend to use clairsentience (“clear feeling”) where they will just “know ” the answer or feel it in their “gut” or in their “heart”. Others will use clairvoyance (“clear vision”) where they will receive an intuitive message through a vision, symbol or an image in their mind. And yet others may experience their inner sense as clairaudience (“clear hearing”) where they hear the answer as if by telepathy (this is not an hallucination). With practice a person can easily develop Weiterlesen

Ohne Intuition keine Evolution

Warum lehnen so viele Menschen die Evolutionstheorie ab?
In dem Test wurden die Studenten über ihr evolutionstheoretisches Wissen befragt. Neben diesem bloßen Wissen mussten sie – anhand ihres „Bauchgefühls“ – angeben, wie überzeugend sie die Fakten finden und wie ihre allgemeine Einstellung zur Evolutionstheorie ist.

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