Harnessing Your Intuition – How to Hear That ‚Inner Still Small Voice‘
In order to access our inner wisdom or intuition, it is important to understand that we all have inner senses or intuitive capabilities. However, we may each experience our intuition in different ways. Some will tend to use clairsentience (“clear feeling”) where they will just “know ” the answer or feel it in their “gut” or in their “heart”. Others will use clairvoyance (“clear vision”) where they will receive an intuitive message through a vision, symbol or an image in their mind. And yet others may experience their inner sense as clairaudience (“clear hearing”) where they hear the answer as if by telepathy (this is not an hallucination). With practice a person can easily develop access to all 3 types of inner senses – it is much the same as building up a muscle at the gym. The more you use it, the more powerful and easily it flows. Going within through one of various forms or meditation, a quiet prayerful state, or sitting quietly in nature is the best means to cultivate your inner space to access your inner ‘still small voice’. We also can gain immediate access to our intuition in a busy, wakeful state whenever we are in our heart with great compassion or concern for a friend or a loved one. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to receive intuitive information when you are getting it for someone else?! It is easier to get into our heart or to have compassion for someone else than it is to do so for our selves. What keeps us from getting into our heart for our self to receive intuitive messages?……
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