„Often you have to rely on intuition.“ — Bill Gates

We are all programmed to succeed. All of us have a special power within us called our intuition. It is an alternative source of knowledge, level of awareness, or as some refer to it, an inner voice. We all possess this power to varying degrees, as well as the capacity to develop it further. Intuition can be defined as a quick and ready insight. This insight can guide us, warn us of danger, and/or connect us to our creativity. The most successful people are often very intuitive. Consciously or unconsciously, they follow their gut feelings, which put them in the flow (a very alive, productive, and desirable state). Many have achieved remarkable success in the fields of science, business and entrepreneurship, often amassing great fortune and fame due to their abilities to make important decisions by following „hunches,“ or intuitive „gut feelings.“  Great thinkers, like Albert Einstein, have emphasized the importance of intuition and its impact on their personal and professional lives. They defined it as „a superior knowledge,“ and as being an essential and indispensable tool for achieving success………

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