Category: Intuition

How do we really make decisions?

With every decision you take, every judgement you make, there is a battle in your mind – a battle between intuition and logic. And the intuitive part of your mind is a lot more powerful than you may think. Most of us like to think that we are capable of making rational decisions. We may at times rely on our gut instinct, but if necessary we can call on our powers of reason to arrive at a logical decision. We like to think that our beliefs, judgements and opinions are based on solid reasoning. But we may have to think again. Weiterlesen

How Do Healthcare Providers Use Intuition? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing

Psychiatrist Richard Friedman surprised himself one day during a routine appointment with a patient experiencing anxiety about a financial problem. Bothered by something in his patient Mark’s appearance, Dr. Friedman „did something out of pure intuition that I didn’t fully understand at the moment. I called his internist while he was in my office and sent him for an appointment a few hours later.“ Dr. Friedman was puzzled by his own gut reaction. Weiterlesen

Innovation – You’re Doing It Wrong: How To Put Intuition And Ideas Before Tests And Analyses

Douglas Van Praet describes how the unconscious and the emotional drive people, and how they, not tests, should drive the business of bringing ideas to life. He offers four ways to reframe the innovation process. There’s a costly misconception hindering innovation. Marketing models hold that strategic reasoning must always precede and inform emotional execution. Before we decide to try an idea, we must first prove its worth by conscious knowledge untainted by feeling. But neuroscience suggests this is not only wrong, it’s backwards. If “knowledge is power” we must understand cognition or the “process of knowing.” Cognitive science tells us that discoveries and decisions are made largely unconsciously. And feelings not reasoning come first. Emotions precede and inform rational understanding…..

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How Intuition Influences our Thought Process

As we saw with an earlier post, intuition arrives first when we make decisions. But, how does this happen? How does intuition become involved in our response to an event? Consider for a moment a restaurant’s ambiance. Objectively, it has nothing to do with the food; however, if it’s unclean, disorderly and ugly we will tend to feel there is also something wrong with the food. Why do children ask their moms and dads, “Are you in a good mood?” They know their parents’ emotional state will affect their decision-making……

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Intuition in Problem Solving: A Compass

Someone once said to me that you can’t find your way if you don’t know where you are. I countered that that would mean a compass would be useless to you. That’s not true. Unfortunately, when people talk about intuition in problem solving, then tend to think it should be as specific as cognition is. If it were, it wouldn’t be intuition. Intuition plays more of an introductory role in our thinking and behavioral processes. In this sense, our intuition acts as a compass. When we’re lost we have any number of directions to explore. A compass helps to narrow our selection. Intuition does the same in problem solving…..

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Intuition and Decisions

Workplaces are shifting from task-oriented environments to requiring more complex problem-solving. The way that business leaders made decisions in the past is no longer a guide to making future decisions; adopting a multifaceted approach that goes beyond traditional reasoning alone is fast becoming a crucial business practice. Such complexity allows for creativity and a focus on the role of human intuition in the workplace. No doubt, data analysis and past results remain crucial to drive business decisions. Yet following gut instinct — even with all of its inherent risks — has pushed many an organization to success. Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates was quoted as saying that one often has to rely on intuition. Albert Einstein also was a believer: “The only real valuable thing is intuition,” he once said……

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Does intuition equal emotional intelligence?

There was an interesting article by Sarina Russo in the Weekend Australian (25/1/14) Extra sense that gives women an edge where she argues that emotional intelligence is equal to intuition. Sarina defines emotional intelligence as the capacity to recognise an opportunity and act on your gut feeling, even when you’re inundated with facts, figures and adverse advice. She also argues that while men possess emotional intelligence, women use it much more effectively. Weiterlesen

Intuition: Warum zu viel Denken Ihrer Karriere schadet

Sie verfügen über eine gute Auffassungsgabe, können Zusammenhänge schnell erkennen, konzeptionell und strategisch arbeiten? Wunderbar, diese Fähigkeiten sind in den meisten anspruchsvollen Jobs absolut notwendig und leisten Ihnen dort wahrscheinlich hervorragende Dienste. Für Ihre Karriere sind diese Eigenschaften jedoch nicht unbedingt gut. Sie können Ihnen im Gegenteil sogar schaden und so manche Chance verbauen. Was im ersten Augenblick paradox klingt, kann in der Praxis ein echtes Problem sein. Strategisches Denken und die Fähigkeit, Probleme umfassend zu analysieren, sind zwar für die konkrete Arbeit von Vorteil. Sie verleiten jedoch auch dazu, sich zu viele Gedanken über die eigene Karriere und Zukunftsaussichten zu machen. Vor allem bei möglichen Veränderungen und anstehenden Entscheidungen kann Ihnen Ihre sonst so wichtige Denkweise in die Quere kommen. Hier fahren Sie mit Intuition oft besser. …..

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The Role of Intuition in a World of Big Data

In the fairly recent past, I worked as a part of the leadership team at a company that was built and run almost entirely on the intuition and instincts of a small group of founders. There was plenty of raw data and a good deal of relevant information around too, but when it came to the critical decisions around strategy, key customer relationships and managing enterprise risk, the information generally took second place to the senior leadership’s gut feelings. Weiterlesen

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