
Es geht eben nicht um mehr Wissen …. | Gerald Hüther

Es geht eben nicht um mehr Wissen, sondern es geht um die Schaffung von Gelegenheiten, neue Erfahrungen zu machen. Erfahrungen, die uns wieder stärker mit uns selbst verbinden und aus denen wir die Kraft schöpfen, uns anderen Menschen zuzuwenden, sie einzuladen, sie zu ermutigen und sie zu inspirieren, sich noch einmal ein wenig mehr auf all das einzulassen, was es in ihnen selbst, in den Anderen und in ihrer jeweiligen Lebenswelt alles zu entdecken und zu gestalten gibt. Wenn das gelingt, verändern Menschen auch ihre bisherigen Haltungen und inneren Einstellungen.
Nicht durch Druck, nicht durch Belehrungen, nicht durch Belohnungen oder Bestrafungen und auch nicht durch gut gemeinte, mehr oder weniger kluge Ratschläge, sondern nur durch am eigenen Leib gemachte, also unter die Haut gehende neue Erfahrungen.
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Trusting Your Intuition – The Emotionally Sensitive Person

Intuitive thinking is defined as the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. The root of the word means to guard or protect. Emotionally Sensitive people are generally believed to be more intuitive than most. That is true in my experience, though I do not know of research that addresses this possibility.
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Explicit and Implicit Memory: Intuition Training Basics

Intuition is the product of trial and error in the school of hard knocks–eons of biological evolution, centuries of cultural evolution, and decades of personal learning from direct and vicarious experience. Intuition is the name we give our biological, cultural and personal (sometimes called biopsychosocial) memory, memories that compel our spontaneous behavior and choices.
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New Evidence for Intuition – May Not Be What You Think

According to Lehrer, when we try to be logical, we consciously engage a powerful area of the brain, the pre-frontal cortex. This is the area that associates perceptions and relates cause-and-effect information to create meaning. Conscious attention is limited, however. We can only pay attention to a handful of variables at the same time. Also, being consciously logical is a slow process.
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Henri Bergson: Die „Intuition“ und die Avantgarde

Der französische Philosoph Henri Bergson war Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts ein populärer Vertreter von einer neuen Vorstellung der zeitlichen Dauer und der damit verbundenen Verwirklichung.
Eine Methode? Intuition!
Die Dauer entzieht sich aber folglich nicht nur dem Zugriff des Denkens, sondern auch einer sprachlichen Vermittlung. Um seine These dennoch bekräftigen zu können, vollzieht Bergson einen philosophischen Kunstgriff: Er führt – mehr als paradox – seine „Methode der Intuition“ ins Treffen.

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How to Make It Happen with the Power of Your Intuition

Do you use the power of intuition in your life?

So many times in my life I have ignore this inner knowing to either do something or not do something. And only later have I discovered to my dismay that I “should” have followed my inner voice.

At other times, I have followed this guidance and things have truly worked out well. There was the time when I followed an impulse to attend a seminar and I discovered the world of coaching. Another time, I ended up in India at Nirvana School!

Another time, I took a soul nourishing digital sabbatical and it did me the world of good.


When To Trust Your Gut

If you’ve ever gone with your gut when making a decision—and gotten eye rolls from pragmatic friends in the process—take heart. New findings in the Journal of Consumer Research give credibility to those of us who bring emotions into the decision-making equation. And the more we trust our emotions, the more likely it is that a decision will be the right one.

What Kind Of Decision-Maker Are You?  

Researchers from Columbia Business School conducted eight studies where they compared people who trusted their feelings in making decisions and judgments—such as predicting who would win the NCAA championship or American Idol—with those who didn’t feel confident in their ability to correctly predict events. The results: Those who trusted their feelings were consistently more accurate than those who didn’t.


The Imprecision of Intuition

Managers often think they have a good handle on who their best customers are. But the truth is, their intuition is often at odds with reality, says Jonathan Bein, senior partner of Real Results Marketing. Managers often think they have a good handle on who their best customers are. But the truth is, their intuition is often at odds with reality, says Jonathan Bein, senior partner of Real Results Marketing.

The problem is that „intuition is imprecise“ and often based on outdated information, Bein says in the recent MDM Webcast, Data into Dollars. Your company has likely faced changes in the business climate – both up and down over the past few years. And that may have shifted your sweet spot, where your best or most profitable customers are. „The sweet spot from 2008 is not the sweet spot from 2010 which is probably not the sweet spot from 2012,“ he says.Weiterlesen

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